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Can cecum tumors be fatal

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-07-23

  Many people have a conditioned reflex for tumor diseases. In the era when medical conditions and medical technology were very limited in the past, they may not be able to recover from these critical diseases, but now the medical level has been very great. Progress and improvement can prolong the survival time of patients, and not all tumors will be fatal, so will cecal tumors be fatal?

  Cecum tumors are divided into benign and malignant, different tumor properties have different effects on the life of patients, for benign tumors As long as the treatment is active, it can survive for a long time. Many people are not very clear about cecal tumors, so they often fail to get a good treatment in the early stage of the concurrency and cause the condition to deteriorate. The colonoscope was inserted into the ileocecal part, and a mucosal bulge in the appendix fossa was seen, the periphery was gathered, there was fresh bleeding, and the ileocecal valve was smooth.

   For the early symptoms of cecal tumors, there is a painless protuberance on the rectal mucosa or skin, no obvious symptoms, anal canal rectum cancer symptoms may change later in bowel habits, early symptoms of cecum tumors More frequent, frequent stools, but no fecal discharge; or constipation, internal discomfort or a sense of falling. Stool is bloody, bright red or dark red in color, not much in amount, often accompanied by mucus stool, and is often misdiagnosed as hemorrhoids.

  Cecum malignant tumor is a special type of colon cancer, which is named because its lesion is cecum. The main symptoms of cecum malignant tumors are:

  (1) Blood in stool, often the main symptom of rectal cancer; anemia; upper abdominal discomfort, nausea; abdominal palpation and mass.

  (2) Upper abdominal or lower abdominal pain; often have unexplained diarrhea; constipation and diarrhea appear alternately.

  (3) The stool is jam-colored, and is often the main symptom of upper colon cancer.

   (4) If the stool is always normal and regular, the stool habits will change.

  (5) There is a heavy anal sensation, heavy feeling after anxiety, a feeling of unclear bowel movements and pain in the perineal area.

  Malignant tumor of the cecum is a type of colon cancer. It is named according to the location of the lesion and can be diagnosed according to the symptoms of the cecum tumor. The main methods of examination for cecal tumors are fiber colonoscopy and double contrast of air and barium.

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