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What is the cure rate of villous cancer

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-07-20

  Chorionic carcinoma can occur directly in fertilized eggs, and the rate of metastasis is very fast. It is a highly malignant tumor. Can choriocarcinoma be cured? How high is its cure rate? Originoo_42964_2014468_l.jpg

  choriocarcinoma comes from abnormal or normal pregnancy, but at least 50%has a history of hydatidiform mole. Most are directly from the hydatidiform mole of the previous pregnancy; the previous pregnancy was a miscarriage or full-term delivery, but there was a history of hydatidiform mole. The incidence of hydatidiform mole from choriocarcinoma is high, and it is impossible to doubt that the malignant degree of hydatidiform mole in hydatidiform mole is much higher than that of pregnancy cells. According to reports, there are a small number of hydatidiform moles after abortion, and some people have a history of miscarriage and suffer from hydatidiform moles during full-term pregnancy. This indicates that there is a potential risk of hydatidiform moles.

  Before the 1960s, choriocarcinoma was a disease with a high mortality rate. But now using chemotherapy to monitor hcg at the same time, the choriocarcinoma can be diagnosed at an early stage for early treatment, so that the cure rate can reach more than 90%. Trophoblastic tumor is the most sensitive to chemotherapy among all tumor diseases, so most choriocarcinoma can be treated by chemotherapy. Surgical treatment is only an adjunct. Generally, early patients can be treated after chemotherapy To achieve the desired effect. For young patients with choriocarcinoma, if there is a need for fertility, during treatment, the doctor will try to preserve the patient''s fertility function, if forced to remove the uterus, you can also keep the ovaries.

  However, when many patients are in the diagnosis of choriocarcinoma in the hospital, many patients have entered the advanced stage, which has greatly affected the cure of the disease, and often reached the middle and late stage of choriocarcinoma. The cure rate is relatively low.

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