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Can simmered pork trotters pass milk?

Male  23 years old 2018-07-01
I'm breastfeeding now, and I don't have a lot of milk. Can I eat scallion stewed pork trotters?

1 Answer These messages are for reference only

  • BY Mamie Doris 2018-07-01
    Pork trotters stewed with green onions can pass milk. Braised pig's trotters with green onions: 50 grams green onions, 4 pig's trotters, appropriate amount of salt. Wash and remove the pig's trotters with a knife; cut the onions into sections, put them in with the trotters, add the right amount of water, add a little salt, first boil it with a fire, then simmer it with a simmer until it is cooked. This food has the effect of nourishing blood, reducing swelling and breast milk. It is suitable for diseases such as blood deficiency and weakness, limb pain, edema, sore, soreness and so on.

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