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Can aseptic prostatitis heal itself

BY Paula Lowell 2020-07-24

  The cause of aseptic prostatitis has not been fully understood so far, but the prostate is often congested. Men with irregular sex life, long-term separation of two places, or men with long-term depression, are prone to aseptic prostatitis. Many people believe that if you do not have ejaculation, you can prolong your life. In fact, this will cause the congestion of the genitals and gonads to disappear quickly and remain in a chronic congestion state, resulting in sterile prostatitis. Can sterile prostatitis heal itself?

  In fact, experts have expressed sterility Prostatitis can heal itself. Aseptic prostatitis does not require the use of antibiotics. Local prostate massage is the most important treatment. Married men''s regular sex life can also promote the drainage of stasis of prostate fluid. If the treatment is adhered to under the guidance of a doctor, the vast majority of patients can significantly reduce symptoms or heal. In fact, most people can heal themselves. There is no need to be overly anxious. It is important to maintain a good attitude.
   In addition, patients need to establish a healthy and regular life order to prevent excessive sexual desire, excessive sexual life and abnormal sexual behavior. Actively participate in physical exercise, non-smoking alcohol, avoid spicy. Sterile prostatitis is not effective with antibiotic treatment. However, if mycoplasma and chlamydia infections cannot be ruled out, try tetracycline, erythromycin or fluazinic acid treatment can sometimes achieve unexpected therapeutic effects.

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