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Recognize childhood tics

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-02

  Typathia is mostly onset in childhood and adolescence. It is a disease characterized by tics or involuntary, repetitive, rapid, and movement twitching of muscles in one or more parts. In addition to the above performance, Some children are also accompanied by inattention, hyperactivity, or compulsive movements, which last at least 2 weeks. If the course of disease does not exceed 1 year, it is called transient tic disorder, and if it exceeds 1 year, it is chronic tic disorder.

  Currently, for children with tics The etiology is unclear and may be related to the following factors. Genetic factors: Temporary tic disorders have familial aggregation. If parents or other family members have tic disorders, Children are also prone to similar problems. Brain damage: The child is born with birth injury, suffocation, etc., and is more prone to tic disorders. Physical factors: Conjunctivitis or trichiasis can cause blinking, Upper respiratory tract infections can cause nasal suction and facial muscle twitching. When these diseases heal, the tics still exist. Socio-psychological factors: Children are affected by family discord, divorce of parents, death of loved ones, excessive study burden, etc. Making tics a manifestation of psychological stress.

  Drug factors: Children take central stimulants and antipsychotic drugs for a long time, and their side effects can cause tic disorders.


  Transient tic disorder Most children experience simple motor twitching at the first onset, and symptoms fluctuate within weeks or months (Sometimes aggravated, sometimes reduced) or site transfer ( From eyes, face to neck, upper and lower limbs). Common manifestations are blinking, squeezing eyebrows, nose suction, mouth opening, shaking head, nodding, neck extension, shrug, and a few simple twitching, such as repeated coughing, humming, or clearing of throat, etc. The severity will vary from person to person.

  Chronic Tics Disorders

  The incidence of chronic tics disorders in children is 1%~2%. Children may have simple movement tics or complex movement tics, or vocal tics, but movement tics and vocal tics do not exist at the same time. And the symptoms are relatively unchanged and can last for years or even for life.

  Twitch syndrome

   is a chronic neuropsychiatric disorder with an onset age of 2 to 15 years. The children''s multiple, involuntary movement twitch and vocal twitch can appear one after another, or they can appear at the same time, and the disease course is relatively long, It can interfere and impair the development of children''s cognitive abilities to varying degrees, and affect their ability to adapt to society.


  Temporary tic disorders generally do not affect children’s daily lives, and most of them can improve on their own. Children with less disturbance and less tic symptoms do not need special treatment. Children with obvious symptoms can take a small dose of medicine under the guidance of a doctor. The symptoms of chronic tic disorders have been long-lasting and fixed, and have no effect on daily life and learning. Generally no special treatment is required. For children diagnosed with Tourette''s syndrome, medication and psychological intervention should be taken in time.

  Suggestions for parents

  Most children with tics are timid, introverted, and easily nervous. After watching TV for a long time or playing computer games, Symptoms of twitching after teacher or parent''s accusation or when touching a new environment. Therefore, Parents should do:

  1, take your child to the doctor, check the EEG, etc. to exclude the influence of disease factors;

  2, prohibit children from playing computer games or watching TV for a long time ;

   3. Purposefully allow the child to exercise more to relieve stress and relax the mood;

   4. Guide the child to learn to face stress and increase the child’s exposure to various environments ;

  5. Adjust your emotional state, remember not to use words or even corporal punishment to correct when your child has tic symptoms;

  6 Give your child medicine under the guidance of a doctor And adjust the dosage, do not increase the dose or stop the drug without authorization, otherwise it will cause serious side effects or increase the difficulty of treatment.

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